Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Battle With Food Addiction

      One of the hardest things for me about eating healthier was going off of grains. I loved me some grains! I have gotten to where I can eat some grains now and then but I still have to be very careful about how much I eat and how often I eat them. Even though I have not bought commercial cereal for over 3 years now I still miss it on occasion. My problem was that if I were to eat a bowl of cereal I would end up eating half of the box, or more, before I stopped. Grains, sugar and cooked foods are a true addiction for me. My addiction is not as bad as it used to be but it is most defiantly still there.

     Part of my problem is that I have a gluten sensitivity. I was raised on white flour and white sugar, and now they are my enemy. Every time I eat something with those ingredients in it I can feel myself losing control, control over my body and control over my mind. I spent too many years with a body and mind that was out of my control and I don’t want to go back there again. I remember several years ago telling a friend that it was like I was addicted to food but I didn’t realize until much later just how right I was. It took me all this time to actually begin to understand this addiction. I don’t have everything under control but at least it is not as out of control as it used to be, and I praise God for that.

     I love being able to stop eating dates just because three or five were enough. I love not wanting to eat anymore, of feeling satisfied after just a few! This is not the case with every food but it is a start. I find that a green smoothie really helps me to start my day off right. I just need to remember to make one every morning! 12 Steps to Raw Food by Victoria Boutenko is a great book to read about food addiction and Fresh: The Ultimate Live-Food Cookbook by Sergei & Valya Boutenko is also very inspiring and has some very good recipes in it. At least they sound very good, I have not followed any of them exactly but I have used them for inspiration. I am putting one of my favorite green smoothie recipes on here for you and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Green Smoothie #1

  • 2 bananas, fresh or frozen
  • 1 apple or 1 pear
  • 4 cups of packed spinach, or to taste
  • Enough water to blend to your desired consistency, I use around 3 cups
     Blend in a high speed blender. Drink. Feel better. Repeat.

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