Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wild Grass Juice

     Have you ever had wheatgrass juice? The health benefits of it are legendary. But what about the grass growing outside in your yard or does it have to be grass grown from wheat seeds? These are the questions that I asked myself one day. I had received so many emails about wild edibles but I had never thought about juicing wild grass. It seemed too simple, right? Wrong. Once I started searching the internet about juicing wild grass I thought, "I can do that!" Did I mention that I had just started soaking wheat berries to grow my very first batch of wheatgrass? Well, I had.

     The next morning I went out into my yard with a pair of scissors and filled up a large bowl full of grass. I was very grateful that my husband had not had time to mow just yet, he has several acres to mow and uses a push mower, and that the grass was nice and tall. The grass at the fence line was the tallest and filled the bowl up the fastest.

     I had never had wheatgrass juice before and I did not know what exactly to expect. It was strong and not very yummy but I was not too dismayed. When I added 4-8oz. of water to 1oz. wild grass juice it was so yummy! To me it tasted similar to chocolate milk. Not everyone in my house feels the same way about this yummy juice as I do but that is ok. I believe that when it comes to healthy foods that we are drawn to what our bodies need. For example, my oldest child thrives on beets but for me they are just ok. The Bible says: I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalms 139:14. Praise the Lord for making me just like He did!

 Words of Inspiration:

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