Saturday, December 15, 2012

Comfort Foods


     It has been a week and a half  since I have posted. I told myself when I started this blog that I was going to be very good about keeping it up and not let more than 2 or 3 days go between posts. Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men! Oh well, things happen.

     This has been a very busy and sad time for my family. My lovely, sweet and amazing aunt passed away. She is the sweetest woman that I have ever met. I consider it an honor to have been related to her and to have been able to grow up around her. She has changed the way that I look at parenting and how I treat others. She had an infectious smile and the sweetest spirit. This world is a little less bright without her shining light.

     The other night my sweet baby doggie started having seizures and passed away a few hours later. She had almost died a couple of months ago and had to have a major surgery. She was never quite the same after that. We were blessed to have had her in our family for the 2 years that we did. The other dogs were rather quiet that day and didn't even try to get into the trash, they just laid around on the couch.

     With all that has been going on in my life I have fallen right back into looking for comfort in all of the "comfort foods" that have been surrounding me lately. All of the lovely, sweet people that loved my aunt so very much were kind enough to bring all kinds of food for the family. It was so very sweet of each and every one of them.

     I had learned that cooked food was an addiction for me and I thought that I had just about won my battle with it but I have not. If fact, I am still a very long way away from winning that particular battle. I ate some cooked foods every day for 8 straight days. I am not going to feel guilty about this, even though I don't feel too good physically, but now is the time to start eating right again. Every day that I have eaten foods that are not good for me is making it that much harder to eat right now.

     I have learned that when faced with a situation where I am wanting comfort that I will still go to the foods that have always comforted me. I have been comforted with food since I was a child and it is a very hard habit to break.

     I am not trying to go 100% raw. I am wanting to eat mostly raw or high raw, as it is sometimes called. I feel much better when I fix only raw foods at home and then eat cooked foods when at a restaurant or at someone else's house. This is just one day out of many in my journey going raw and I can only seek to improve. What are you trying to accomplish?

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